Friday 23 November 2012

How You Can Make Your Parrot Talk

If you have a parrot you may wonder how you can get it to talk. Do parrots talk on their own or do they have to be taught. Is your parrot smart enough to talk? So if you wonder how to train a parrot to talk, here is what you need to do?

Some people may be under the impression that the only parrots that know how to talk are Cockatoos, Macaws, and African Grey Parrots. But some may be surprised to know that that isn't true at all. Any parrot can talk with a little instruction and help from their owners. Just listening to an owner everyday repeating certain words will help parrots to imitate the sounds that it hears. Showing zeal when it comes to saying a particular word assists the parrot in repeating words.

Basically it is good to give the parrot a routine. And you want to speak using hand motions. Always say hello to the parrot in the morning and say good night to the parrot when it is night time. This gives the parrot a daily routine that it will start to follow in no time at all. And say goodbye to the parrot when it is time for you to leave.

You cannot rush a parrot to speak. They will speak when they are ready. As a parrot owner you should be very patient. Parrot owners will know that their parrot is ready to talk when the parrot gives the owner eye contact. If the parrot looks closely at the owner while the owners speak to the parrot, then the parrot is paying attention and learning. This is another trick on how to train a parrot to talk.

Once you are successful in training a parrot to talk, people will be amazed. A parrot owner can teach a parrot to say all kinds of funny things. Keep in mind that parrots learn quicker when owners use heightened emotions while talking. For example when owners are angry or happy this is when parrots learn to speak.

If you want to know another how to train a parrot to talk trick, then here it is. The location of the parrot cage is important. The parrot's cage should be placed in a part of the house where you hang out most often. As long as your parrot is surrounded with lots of talking, he should be able to talk real soon.

Making sure that your parrot hears your voice is very important. Having a lot of people or even a television or radio can be very distracting to your parrot. The parrot needs to zero in on your voice and your voice alone.

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